Marine Agency Services
B.R. Anderson & Co. is capable of full service agency work for any vessel arriving or departing. Our employees have over 100 years of combined experience; they have seen nearly every situation in the industry and know how to deal with it accordingly. Each vessel arrival presents a uniquely different approach by our boarding agent(s). Whether it is pre arrival preparations for the ship, crew, and cargo, or on board issues unexpectedly arising by U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP), B.R. Anderson & Co. is uniquely qualified to resolve any matter that comes up. Our industry knowledge and experience, coupled with the rapport we have with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other government agencies will allow us to make your visit as smooth and efficient as possible
Our agency Services include but are not limited to:
Permitting ENOAD Reporting / Tracking - Vessel Husbandry - Bunker Calls Coordination -
Crew Change Arrangement - Bonds - Import/Export Customs Clearance - Berthing
Arrangement - AMS/ACE Filing/Reporting - Bunkering - Ship’s Spares Delivery - Customs
Entrance and Clearance